Tag: ask the experts

Do you have concerns about emotional health? Treatment can start with your primary care provider!

Long wait times, insurance issues and cost barriers can all make it hard to access care for emotional health. Regional One Health's primary care providers can fill that gap! Kafila Jaipuri RN, MSN, CFNP, APN, a certified family nurse practitioner at Harbor of Health, helps patients through screening, medication, lifestyle counseling and more. Your PCP [...]

2023-10-18T07:19:43-06:00November 14th, 2023|

Ask the Experts: Catching breast cancer early gives you more surgical treatment options

Ashley Hendrix, MD, MBA, FACS is a board-certified, fellowship-trained breast surgeon at Regional One Health’s Main Campus and East Campus. As a specialist in breast cancer surgery, she understands how to help patients identify the best procedure for their diagnosis and their personal needs and goals. Dr. Hendrix urges women to be vigilant about mammograms [...]

2023-09-14T12:52:46-06:00October 16th, 2023|

Ask the Experts: What is Placenta Accreta Spectrum, and why does it require specialized care to protect expectant moms?

October has been established as Accreta Awareness Month to raise awareness about this potentially life-threatening condition that can occur during pregnancy. Patients with accreta have their placenta attach too deeply so it cannot be expelled during childbirth, putting them at risk of severe bleeding. Fortunately, with expert care from a high-risk obstetrics specialist, new moms [...]

2023-09-05T06:50:13-06:00October 2nd, 2023|

Ask the Experts: How can early detection and proper treatment help patients overcome a blood cancer diagnosis?

September is Blood Cancer Awareness Month, and experts say knowing the risk factors and symptoms of these diseases can save lives! Risk factors including aging, smoking and family history, while symptoms range from unexplained bruising and bleeding to fatigue to bone pain. If you have concerns, see your doctor and ask about blood and urine [...]

2023-09-26T07:27:45-06:00September 28th, 2023|

Ask the Experts: With youth sports back in action, take care to prevent injuries with these tips from our trauma team

Kids are returning to competitive and recreational sports now that a new school year is underway. Sports can be a positive experience for young athletes, but they can also put them at risk for injury. Our trauma experts have advice for staying healthy and injury-free. With the school year underway, many kids are returning not [...]

2023-09-05T07:14:26-06:00September 13th, 2023|

Ask the Experts: Eating healthy is a first line of defense against a serious diagnosis – here’s how!

A nutritious diet can help you maintain a healthy weight and have more energy...and it can also be an important tool in managing and even preventing serious health conditions. Regional One Health's Medical Nutritional Therapy program helps patients address conditions like diabetes, hypertension, GI disorders and more. Jacqueline Daughtry, RDN, LDN, Manager of Clinical [...]

2023-07-05T07:15:26-06:00August 10th, 2023|
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