At Regional One Health, caring for your health is our passion. For Rachel George, in some ways it’s also passing on the care she received more than 40 years ago.

George has worked in Regional One Health’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) since September 6, 2005. Her Regional One Health story reaches further back, though, to the early days of the Sheldon B. Korones Newborn Center, established at Regional One Health in 1968.

Dr. Korones & Rachel George, NICU’s clinical nurse educator at Regional One Health.

George was born November 11, 1975, in Regional One Health’s Sheldon B. Korones Newborn Center. She was born several weeks premature with meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS), a potentially life-threatening respiratory obstruction that occurs when the fetus has inhaled waste products. George credits the mechanical ventilation that had recently become available in neonatal intensive care units for her survival.

Today, George is the NICU’s clinical nurse educator. She’s in charge of staff development, certifications and training for new nurses. George’s path always seemed destined for Regional One Health. She did her labor and delivery clinical at Regional One Health as well as her baby nursing clinical.

In addition to her role as the NICU’s clinical nurse educator, George has worked as a patient care coordinator and a lactation consultant at Regional One Health.

George’s profession allows her to give back to the place that helped nurse her into life as a premature baby, but she also believes it’s important to give to the Regional One Health Foundation.

“I’ve been giving to the Regional One Health Foundation since I was first employed here,” she said. “I see firsthand how the money we give enhances the care we provide.”

To read Rachel George’s full story, click here. And consider supporting the future of health care with a donation to the Regional One Health Foundation by clicking here.