Fire in the grill, under hot dogs and burgers, is a welcome sight at the family cookout. But fire anywhere else can make your barbecue memorable for all the wrong reasons. The staff at Firefighters Burn Center, a full service burn center housed at Regional Medical Center, knows all too well how a life-altering burn injury can happen in a matter of seconds.

To keep you and your family safe while grilling, follow these general guidelines:

  • Propane and charcoal BBQ grills should only be used outdoors and not in an enclosed area as carbon monoxide could be produced.
  • The grill should be placed well away from the home, deck railings and out from under eaves and overhanging branches.
  • Keep children and pets away from the grill area.
  • Do not wear loose clothing while cooking at a barbecue.
  • Keep your grill clean by removing grease or fat buildup from the grills and in trays below the grill.
  • Never leave your grill unattended.
  • Be careful when using lighter fluid. Do not add fluid to an already lit fire because the flame can flash back up into the container and explode.
  • Keep all matches and lighters away from children. Teach your children to report any loose matches or lighters to an adult immediately.
  • Dispose of hot coals properly – douse them with plenty of water, and stir them to ensure that the fire is out. Never place them in plastic, paper or wooden containers.
Source: National Fire Protection Association