Regional One Health Foundation is celebrating and thanking all of our employees the entire month of March – YOU can help!
March symbolizes a time of new beginnings and a fresh start. The first day of spring lifts spirits and with it, a feeling of hope. It also marks one year of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has been incredibly taxing for our employees mentally and physically. To show our appreciation, we have created several different ways to shower them with gratitude. You can show your gratitude to our everyday heroes.
If you would like to sponsor a grateful gift, please explore the options below and contact Rachel Alkire for more information [email protected].

Saying Thank You
- Volunteer to write thank you notes to our employees
- Submit a thank you note to a department, an employee, or the entire system [email protected]
- Submit a video message – take a video of you, your family, or your company saying thank you to our employees [email protected]

Gifts for Drawings
We need gifts for weekly employee drawings.
Donating themed care packages, gift cards, or experiences are all welcomed! Contact Rachel Alkire to help: [email protected]

Goody Bags
You or your group can help prepare goody bags for a department. Contact Rachel Alkire to help: [email protected]

Make a monthly recurring or one-time donation in honor of someone special
Gifts in honor of someone special is an impactful way to express gratitude for a caregiver. When you make a tribute gift, the person who you designate will receive a personalized note card acknowledging your generosity, although the amount of your gift will not be shown. Your gift will help the patients who turn to Regional One Health for their healthcare needs.
Gratitude Month Donors
Thank you to the generous donors listed below for supporting Gratitude Month 2021:
Might Lights Show sponsor
Darnita & Derek Brassel
Goody Bag sponsor
Jodie & Patrick Gilmore Family
Work Station sponsor
Jodie & Patrick Gilmore Family
Jevonte & Shelby Porter
Feeding the Frontlines sponsors
Breakaway Running
Ann and Jim Forbis
Feed the Front Lines, Memphis
Memphis Ice Machine Company
Memphis Medical Society
Dr. Edwin Thorpe
Gift Card sponsors
Shirlee Clark-Barber (donated multiple $50 gift cards from locally owned restaurants)
Sarah Norton
If you would like to donate or get involved, please contact Rachel Alkire at [email protected]